
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Lenovo Vibe X3 User Manual and Review (English).

Get Ready for the New Vibe from Lenovo

If there’s a tech company with big ambition, Lenovo is definitely the one. This tech company has been trying hard to become one of the big players in tech world. Once made a big surprise in 2005 when this company, then a relatively new and “unknown” tech brand, acquired IBM’s pc business. In mobile gadget segment, Lenovo is still struggling to put its name on the top of the list with series of high end mobile gadgets including its flagship smartphone, the Lenovo Vibe series. With Mobile World Congress 2015 is coming soon, there’s been rumors on Lenovo new line ups that will be introduced in this event.
Lenovo Vibe X3
Among the new line ups, Lenovo Vibe X3 is the one getting the most attention. It has been a hot topic for months about the new successor of the Vibe X series. The current model of Lenovo Vibe X2 is highly appreciated by the tech enthusiasts with its sleek design and powerful specs. However, it is still far for being a serious contender for big players. Big curiosities about Vibe X3 have been drawing lots of attention. The latest leak currently popular on the net gives a slight idea about what this smartphone will be. According the leak about Lenovo vibe x3 user manual, it has major improvement from the X2 model. 

Lenovo Vibe X3 model has significant similarities with LG G3 especially for its curved body with reflective edges on the back. It is an impressive design proven to be visually attractive and that could be reason why Lenovo adopted. The metal body made it looks elegant and luxurious and it looks like this phone is unibody shown from the SIM card slot just like on the X2. The front panel is dominated with 5.5 Inch Full HD display. It is also said that this phone has advanced speakers powered with HiFi 3.0 system from Lenovo. This combination makes X3 an impressive choice for mobile entertainment. 

On the back panel, the main attention is the large camera sensor. It also has dual LED lights and it also appears to have fingerprint sensor. Rumor has it that X3 will have 20.7 MP rear camera, quite a big resolution, even bigger than the 16MP camera of Vibe Shot, Lenovo Vibe series designed as camera phone. There’s no solid information about the specs of Vibe X3. However, it is believed that it won’t be far from Vibe X2 with several improvement. 

Lenovo Vibe X3 user manual will available in here.

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